dimecres, 13 d’agost del 2014

Batut de pinya i coco 100% natural / 100% natural pineapple & coconut shake

Doncs això va ser el berenar d'ahir: pa de sègol amb mongetes esclafades i tomàtigues, i batut de coco i pinya 100% natural.

El pa va ser un obsequi que la meva companya de pis em dugué d'Alemanya, ja que sap que aquest tipus de pa (anomenat Pumpernickel) m'encanta. Al damunt hi han anat unes mongetes blanques esclafades que em restaven a la gelera i un parell de tomàtigues (no sé si són cherris...) al damunt.

Pel que fa al batut, per una banda duu pinya, la qual em va oferir una altra companya que havia comprat i tallat a rondanxes i vaig voler aprofitar-la per combinar-la amb el coco, ja que resulta una mescla deliciosa. La setmana passada vaig decidir comprar un coco per primera vegada (de fet, mai havia menjat coco al natural, només ratllat o en forma de llet). Va ser tota una odissea obrir-lo, però va valer la pena tot just vàrem poder prendre la deliciosa aigua que conté a l'interior. I la polpa la vaig menjant poc a poc com a postre. I pel batut!


So this was yesterday's brekafast: rye bread with mashed white beans and tomatoes, and 100% natural coconut and pineaple shake.

The bread was a present brought from Germany by my flatmate, who's aware that I enjoy this kind of bread very much (called Pumpernickel). On top of it there are some mashed white beans I had as leftover on the fridge and some tomatoes (that I'm not sure could be called cherries).

Regarding the shake, on the one hand it has pineapple, which comes from another flatmate who bought and sliced it, and I combined it with the coconut, as it becomes a delicious match. Last week I decided to buy a coconut for the very first time (in fact, I had never eaten coconut in it natural form, only as schredded coconut or milk). Opening it was an odyssey, but it totally paid off as soon as we tasted the delicious water inside. I've been munching the flesh as a dessert ever since. And also for the shake!


Batut de pinya i coco 100% natural / 100% natural pineapple & coconut shake


Polpa d'1/4 de coco fresc / pulp of 1/4 a fresh coconut
1 talla de pinya (1 dit de gruixa) / pineapple slice (1 inch thick)
1 tassó de beguda vegetal (arròs en aquest cas) / glass of veg drink (rice in this case)
2 glaçons / ice cubes

- Tallar ben petita la polpa del coco i batre amb mig tassó de la beguda vegetal fins que les fibres quedin el màxim desfetes.

- Colar la mescla deixant per una banda la beguda amb gust de coco i per l'altra les fibres (sembla coco ratllat humit. De fet ho és).

- Afegir a la beguda la pinya tallada i la resta de la beguda vegetal i batre fins incorporar bé tots els ingredients.

- Servir fresquet amb els glaçons.


- Mince the coconut flesh and process with veg drink as tiny as the fibers can get.

- Strain leaving the coconut flavored drink on one side and the flesh fibers on the other side (it looks like wet shredded coconut. It actually is).

- Add the chopped pineapple to the former and blend until all the ingredients are well combined.

- Serve chilled with ice cubes.

Escoltant / Listening to: Sílvia Pérez Cruz + Raül Fernández Miró - Pequeño vals vienés (Intensitat, preciositat / Intensity, preciousness)