Bon dia!
El darrer pic que vaig anar al mercat de segona mà (permí fa dues setmanes) va ser un dia de sort, i vaig firar un grapat de cosetes interessants. Entre elles hi havia una mini paella (per 1 ó 2 racions) que em va costar 1€, no ho vaig dubtar! I per estrenar-me (mai havia fet una paella, encara que he vist a mu mare incontables vegades repetir el procediment) vaig decidir fer-la de quinoa, la qual he tastat algunes vegades i m'ha encantat. I en vaig sortit contenta, amb resultats satisfactoris, així que segur que caurà de tant en tant (ara tocar fer-la d'arròs).
Good morning!
Last time I went to the flea market (I reckon it was two weeks ago) I had a lucky day, as I ended up with a bunch of bargains. One of them was a small paella pan (for 1 or 2 servings), which cost 1€, I had no doubts about it! So to start off with it (I had never made a paella before, although I've seen my mother repeat the procedure countless times) I decided to cook it with quinoa (instead of rice), which I've tasted a few times and loved it. I was glad about it, as it came out with successful results, so I'm making it from time to time (next time with rice).
Paella de quinoa / Quinoa paella
1 ceba / onion
1 tomàtiga madura / ripe tomato
1 pebre verd / green pepper
1 pebre vermell / red bell pepper
1/2 carabassó / zucchini
Mitja dotzena de mongetes / half a dozen string beans
2 alls / garlic cloves
1 tassa de quinoa / cup quinoa
1 sobret de safrà / small saffron package (less than a teaspoon)
1 tasses d'aigua o brou de verdures / cups water or veggie stock
Oli / olive oil
Sal / salt
- Pelar i tallar la ceba petita, picar els alls i la tomàtiga. Amb un raig d'oli, començar a sofregir dins la paella.
- Fer net i tallar els pebres, carabassó i mongetes en trossets menuts, i afegir a la paella un pic el sofregit estigui ben tendre.
- Deixar coure les verdures 10 minuts remenant a foc mig, i llavors afegir la quinoa. Remoure perquè es mescli uniformement amb les verdures i deixar daurar 2 minuts.
- Abocar dos tassons d'aigua (o brou), el safrà i la sal, remenar i tapar. Deixar coure a foc baix i anar comprovant que la quinoa té suficient aigua per seguir bevent mentre es cou.
- Deixar tapat i covant per acabar de coure i servir.
- Peel and chop the onion small, mince garlic cloves and the tomato. Cook softly in olive oil.
- Wash and chop the peppers, zucchini and beans into small chunks, and add to the pan once the onion and company are tender.
- Let cook the vegetables for 10 minutes medium heat stirring often, and then add the quinoa. Mix it well with the vegetables and let golden for 2 minutes.
- Add two cups of water (or stock), saffron and salt, stir and cover. Let simmer and keep making sure quinoa has enough water to keep cooking.
- Leave covered and absorbing the taste and liquid for the last minutes. Serve.
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